Lithographic material structuring (beamLITHO)
The laboratory of material structuring is a set of instruments placed in clean rooms that are designed for preparation and characterisation of nanostructures. The system is used to define lateral micro- and nanostructures by optical and electron beam lithography.
The core of the laboratory is the electron beam lithograph with resolution in the order of nanometers; in combination with reactive ion etching, this allows for preparing test samples and chips with details on the scale of tens of nanometers. The optical lithography unit allows for the fast preparation of micrometer-sized structures using predefined masks.
The laboratory is also equipped with a system for deposition of contact pads, plasmatic cleaning instruments and nanometer profilometer.
The prepared structures can be also electrically connected to macroscopic sample holders using the wire bonder unit.
Electron lithograph Raith eLine
Oxford Instruments Plasmalab 100
Covap Deposition Chamber
Wire bonder K&S
Spin Coater
Plasma Diener PCCE
Veeco Dektak Profiler
Optical mask aligner unit