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Open Acces

LNSM offers access to a variety of devices, resources or outputs in an open access mode, which means that it is made available to broad range of potential users from the research and development community independent of their affiliation to their parent institution, in other words, that any scientist has the possibility to use any research infrastructure. The condition is the use for research purposes or innovation.

Since the beginning of 2012 the open access principle of use of the LNSM infrastructure has been co-funded by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic within a project LM2011026. LNSM is operated on the basis of an open access policy under the transparent conditions consistent with international good practice.

LNSM offers the open access mode either via email or via the form below.

Submit your request
Choose a laboratory
Type of institution

Thank you for submission!

LNSM Address: Cukrovarnická 10/112, 162 00, Prague 6, Czech Republic

LNSM E-mail:

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