Experience Ořechovka differently!
Once again, after a year, we are going to play with physics and we would like to cordially invite you to join us! Get to know your neighbours and friends while sitting in the outdoor café and practice yoga together.
When: Saturday 21st September, 2024
Where: In front of the Institute of Physics of the CAS (FZU) building at the Cukrovarnická street
We have an exciting program for you prepared for you!:
11:00 Guided tour of the Institute of Physics (led by Vladimír Míka)
12:00 Fun with Molecules: Making Slime
12:30 Guided tour of the Institute of Physics (led by Vladimír Míka)
13:00 Yoga class with Petra Hubálková (bring mats or blankets)
13:30 Fun with Molecules: Building with Candy
14:00 Dungeons & Dragons: Role-playing Game
14:00 Art Workshop (Jana Hanzlová)
15:00 Chemistry Show
15:00 Dungeons & Dragons: Role-playing Game
16:00 Yoga class with Petra Hubálková
16:00 Fun with Molecules: Secret Ink (bring mats or blankets)
16:00 Dungeons & Dragons: Role-playing Game
17:00 Chemistry Show
17:30 Lecture: The Chemistry of Love or The Origins of Life (M. Londesborough and A. Fejfar – limited capacity, registration via email: fejfar@fzu.cz)
18:15 Performances by Sotovox – vocal voice band, LiMo – bossa nova, Nuff'N'Ruff Reggae Rulers
